
selamat datang in my ROOM...........

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ass'ww.... haluw2.....para manusia yang ca'em2.... hehe.... aq adalah sesosok manusi seperti kalian... tidak ada perbedaan diantara qt.... so be my friendZ....!:) sekarang komunitasQ di surabaya-kediri,,,, biaya murah kok,,,cuman 5rb rupiah klo naek kereta.... hehehehe.....

Rabu, 19 September 2007

artikel SI 2

Milestones for stepping IS engineering March 27, 2007

Posted by witart in sistem informasi.

Facing complexities of the enterprise of a business organization, we may make separation between organization system view, information system views, and their elements.

  • In organization system analysis, we try to understand about core of business of the system, including their activities, try to identify the needs of information for supporting management, and to develop the boundaries of information system context, base on the core of business and the information needed.
  • In information system analysis, we will identify the context of data processing system, the task functionalities, and the context of data schema of the database.
  • Finally, we try to find some elements of information system, such as software (spl), hardware (spk), network (sjk), database (sbd), human computer interaction (hci or imk), user (admin, operator, boss), non-computer data processing, standard operation procedures, and maintenance procedures.

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